So I had a fun filled April Fool's weekend. It was jam packed with lots of exciting things, well at least it was jam packed and kept me busy. Monday appeared out of nowhwere and I'm still trying to figure out what happend to my days of rest and relaxation.
Friday night my roommates (Allison and Jason) and Dave and I all went bowling. There is this place in Quincy called Boston Bowl and while it is a little distance from Brookline the prices can't be beat. So we did some candlepin and had a good time at half the rate of any other bowling alley.
Saturday I spent the day doing some errands. I started off the day by getting a much needed hair cut, looks and feels so much better. I'm also going to color and highlight my hair soon...I'll show you all the results as soon as I get it done. So after getting my hair done I went about getting some household items, but simply couldn't resist buying a couple cute numbers for Carson. I got this adorble t-shirt with a cartoon tie on the front and 2 little hats and matching socks. I can't wait to meet that little boy!
Sunday I had a leisurely start to the day. Dave came and met me and we made some brunch, omeletes and bagels and chai tea mmmmmm! Then we hung around and got directions for our next adventure, Toni Lynn's fencing tournament. So we made our way to Wellesley which only took a half an hour from my house and was incredibly easy to find. I made Dave bring his good camera with the new zoom lens so we would be sure to get lots of great pictures (they are on there way Aunt Lynn). So we saw our first ever fencing match and boy it was so quick. I could hardly keep up with who got the point, but it certainly was interesting and I was happy to see my family!
Dave and I then went to the Cheesecake factory for a late lunch and somehow were surrounded by little babies, they were flanking us on either side of our table. Luckily they were quiet and incredibly cute. Our waiter however was too quiet, he hardly made it back to our table to take away our food and after waiting for seriously a half hour we asked for our check and got the cheesecake to go. Unfortunately we had taken a shuttle from the Chestnut Hill Mall parking lot to the Atrium mall where the restaurant was. Well do to the fact that our waiter took his sweet time we had missed the last shuttle of the day and while not very far of a walk it was impossible to cross four lanes of a highway. We ended up calling a cab which was literally a 2 min drive and $5. A little ridiculous but funny at the same time.
All in all the weekend was a good one I can't complain. And next week promises to be just as nice with Easter. Can't wait to see you all very soon!
And pictues will follow shortly, as soon as Dave gets them online.